How Functional Medicine Can Help You Achieve Optimal Health

Every day at our nutrition clinic, we meet with patients who are not enjoying optimal health. They may be plagued by fatigue, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, or digestive problems. While conventional medicine has an essential place in treating certain conditions, sometimes, these types of treatments focus on symptoms and center too much on the disease […]
Treating Conditions Without Medication

Have you ever been nervous about something and wondered why you felt dizzy? Or maybe you have been so anxious that your stomach hurt and your chest felt tight. As human beings, our physical well-being can be impacted by other areas of our lives. Because our emotional, mental, and spiritual health is connected to our […]
Improving Health Without Medication

While medication can be an essential tool in many situations, it is often overused to the detriment of our overall health. In many situations, our bodies can be better served by building a strong foundation of health through proper nutrition, the right amount of sleep, and an active, low-stress lifestyle. While all of these areas […]